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  1. The 3 Best HP Lightweight Laptops

    HP lightweight
    There are many things to keep in mind when purchasing a new laptop, particularly when looking for one that you can take with you wherever you go. While there are numerous options available, you want to be certain that your computer will handle whatever you throw at it.

    You’ll need to put some research and thought into finding the right model that gives you the power you need while also being lightweight.

    Thankfully, HP® has well-designed and powerful laptops that are also extremely portable. While many of them are light and easy to carry, it’s well worth taking a deep look into your personal needs to figure out which model can offer you the specs you want.

    Here are some things to keep in mind when searching for the best light laptops.
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  2. 8 Best HP PC Monitors for Everyday Use

    8 Best HP PC Monitors for Everyday Use

    Your monitor is your window to the world, the hub of your entertainment system, a tool for work, and a way to visualize your projects. The right display is paramount to the full enjoyment of your PC. But if you’re in the market for a new monitor, you might not be certain what features to focus on.

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  3. HP EliteDesk Mini PC: A Complete Review

    HP EliteDesk Mini PC: A Complete Review
    While boxy computer designs were once the norm - and yes, there are plenty of solid desktop towers being designed today - PC technology has improved to the point that cost and performance are no longer an obstacle with smaller computers.
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  4. Uninterrupted Gaming: Troubleshooting Common Gaming Issues

    Uninterrupted Gaming Troubleshooting Common Gaming Issues

    Nothing charms the senses of a gamer more than an intense and satisfying gaming session. Whether you end up winning or losing is another thing - what matters is how effectively your gaming software and hardware work together to immerse you into a virtual world where you escape the mundane and play your favourite characters, if only for a few hours. When this magical spell is torn down with an unexpected lag or a software crash, the entire experience is instantly ruined.

    We’ve developed this comprehensive guide to help you understand common gaming issues, what causes them, and how to troubleshoot them to achieve the best gaming performance. We’ll also talk about the important system components like CPU, GPU, RAM, and cooling systems and how they can work together synergistically

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  5. Guide to Building Your Perfect Gaming Setup at Home

    Your Guide to Building Your Perfect Gaming Setup at Home

    The gaming community in India is growing rapidly and attracting new players into its fold. As more Indian gamers start taking their hobby seriously and even pursue it professionally, they are increasingly investing in gaming setups at home. This is because the gaming equipment and performance can be as crucial as the gamer’s skills.

    While putting together their setup, many gamers simply go for the most expensive device or accessory in the market without factoring in gaming requirements. Others, due to a lack of knowledge, invest in subpar products, which can ruin their gaming experience. Choosing the right equipment, with the right specifications, for the right purpose and at the right price is essential for your perfect gaming setup at home.

    Whether you are a beginner leveling up your gameplay from an old laptop or an avid gamer who wants to upgrade an existing setup, we have compiled

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  6. Top Software Programs Based on Your Studies

    Top Software Programs Based on Your studies

    Software programs are vital productivity tools across almost all industry sectors, so learning and mastering programs specific to your chosen career path is essential. For students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses, your course will steer you towards particular industries. Mastering software programs your industry peers use daily will give you a head start over other new starters once you transition from your studies to a career.

    Learning to use software programs while you're still studying also offers additional benefits. How they operate and present results can give you valuable insight into how things work outside academia and in the real world.

    Often the way you learn subjects doesn't quite match how businesses that can sometimes value productivity and efficiency more than precision do things in the real world. This article will look at a few key software programs based on popular study

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  7. Optimising your Laptop for Distraction-Free Studying

    Optimising your Laptop for Distraction-Free Studying

    Creating an environment free from distractions is crucial for studying efficiently, as it permits students to concentrate on their work without interference. If you are like the general student population, you are frequently pestered by distractions while attempting to study. Irrespective of whether it is social media, email, or the general noise of everyday life, concentrating on your work can be challenging.

    The role of laptops in this can be constructive or obstructive, based on their usage. That being said, there are a few actions that you can undertake to optimise your laptop for studying with minimal distractions and getting the most out of your studying sessions. 

    This article outlines several tactics to optimise your laptop’s utility for more successful studying outcomes.

    Physical setup

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  8. Best HP Liquid-Cooled Gaming PCs

    Best HP Liquid-Cooled Gaming PCs
    You never really think about that constant low hum emitting from your desktop tower until you load up one of your favorite RPGs and things go a little haywire. Every computer, no matter how big or small, generates heat during operation. Within that mechanical frame, all of the high-powered internal processing you depend on for seamless performance requires a considerable amount of electricity.
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  9. Best Work from Home Laptops from HP India

    Best Work from Home Laptops from HP India
    Even before the recent pandemic, there has been a steady rise in the number of people working from home thanks to the increasing availability of fast and reliable Internet connections and affordable computers with the performance to handle work tasks.

    Recent times have seen businesses needing to adapt working practices, with many companies moving away from rigid office-based working towards remote and hybrid working as employers realise these changes can bring business benefits. 

    There has also been a sharp uprise in people becoming self-employed with technology, allowing them to take control of their careers and compete in the global freelancing marketplaces. Eliminating the daily commute to an office and working from the comfort of their home can make an enormous difference to the work-life balance.

    Finding the ideal laptop to help you efficiently work from home (WFH) can be a challenge, with a vast range of options available to choose from. Whether you're a
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  10. Best Collaboration Tools for Remote Learning

    Best Collaboration Tools for Remote Learning
    Remote learning opens new possibilities for students everywhere, making education more inclusive and accessible. Armed with a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, it’s now possible to explore the vast reservoir of all human knowledge at your fingertips. 

    That said, you need the right collaboration tools to make the most of online education resources. Not all apps and software are made equal with different tools being made for specific niche uses. The right collaboration app can facilitate quick and seamless communication with your peers and instructors. They can also help you share large assignment files without resorting to pesky workarounds. 

    In this article, we’ll walk you through the best collaboration tools for education we’ve handpicked based on their unique features.
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