Advancements in technology have transformed seemingly every industry over the years, including education. Technology has quickly evolved and increased in relevance in schools, from creating common space computer labs to assigning each student their own laptop at the beginning of the year. As the relevance and opportunity for devices such as laptops increase, the usage of tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) also increases.
Teachers, staff, and students can all greatly benefit from educational technology trends. Giving teachers the ability to quickly create or edit lesson plans or helping them grade papers is a great way to decrease time spent on their workload and increase quality time teaching and interacting with their students. Staff members can use AI to create lunch schedules or send out a summary of meetings.
In addition to these uses, teachers can implement AI in the classroom to enhance personalized education. Students can complete work, watch informational videos, and even create projects or video presentations from devices with AI capabilities. Here’s a closer look at the impact AI has on learning.
AI Technologies in Classrooms
There’s a limit to how much AI should be used in the classroom, especially regarding a student’s classwork or projects. In an educational setting, AI should help students create an outline or summarize key points in a study guide. Using this technology to create full-length articles or projects could stunt student learning and deprive them of learning new skills.
A great way to implement AI applications is with adaptive learning systems or interactive learning platforms that give students feedback when studying. These systems can make studying enjoyable while giving students the necessary practice. The programs are also beneficial to teachers, as they provide measurable student growth while they practice with the content they’re working on and with technology that can help them in their future endeavors.
Students can use existing applications like Word to quickly take notes instead of struggling to keep up by handwriting key points from each lecture. AI technologies in the classroom also allow students to work on group projects with ease with things like live editing on a single document or presentation. It can even cut down on the amount and weight of textbooks since many schools are implementing virtual textbooks which save students money and space in their backpacks.
Another benefit is using technology for virtual tutoring. Some students need extra help in specific subjects but have a hard time finding time or transportation to receive it. Using technology to meet virtually with a tutor gives the students the help they need without putting stress on their parents to find transportation.
Benefits of AI in Education
Incorporating technology in the classroom is a hot topic and something that most schools strive to achieve. It’s a great way to engage students and allow teachers to use powerful tools to track learning and achievement. Using devices such as the
HP ProBook 455 Notebook enables students to take learning into their own hands.
The laptop is extremely durable and equipped with advanced security measures, making it the perfect option for students of all ages. Teachers can enhance personalized learning experiences with AI by using applications and programs that coincide with student's learning objectives and materials. Personalized educational programs allow students to work on class materials while going at their own pace or provide extra help to students who are stuck on a certain topic.
These programs help teachers bridge the gap in their classrooms and give them insights into who is struggling in each content area. Since many of these learning programs are set in a game-like fashion, students will enjoy learning and stay engaged in otherwise uninteresting or engaging topics. It's a wonderful mix of fun and learning that benefits teachers and students.
This adaptive learning style allows AI to connect the teacher and students in real-time, whether in the classroom, hybrid learning environment, or fully remote learning environment. Applications such as Word and PowerPoint now have live editing options, which allow teachers to make comments or provide feedback in real-time as students are working on their tasks. This saves time for both teachers and students and gives direct instruction and feedback on the areas that the student needs to focus on.
The real-time collaboration is also perfect for older students working on group projects. The advanced communication options allow students to work together at school or home, making it easy to complete group projects on time. Students can help each other and provide peer feedback without having to be in the same room or schedule time outside of the school day to complete the project.
Challenges and Considerations
While AI has many benefits in education, there are also a few challenges to consider. One of the main concerns for teachers and parents is data privacy and security. With a constant rise in malware attacks and data breaches, it's important to equip student technology with high security. The
HP ZBook Power G10 boasts HP Wolf Security, which stops threats in its tracks.
This lightweight device boasts multiple additional layers of security, including HP Sure Sense, which creates a separate file for suspicious attachments and deletes threatening attachments before they can reach your personal documents or hard drive. This is perfect for students who use laptops for their school work and gives them the peace of mind to download needed materials and email attachments without worrying about putting their files at risk.
Another challenge that schools must consider is integrating technology in the classroom and connecting to existing educational systems. Many schools already utilize their own applications and programs for learning, making the transition harder for some schools than others. In addition, some teachers or school systems prefer a more hands-on approach to learning and only use technology when necessary, making this a challenge for some to incorporate into the classroom.
Some teachers are even weary of assigning things like essays or written work because of the use of AI programs that can complete the assignment for the students. This is a huge challenge for teachers and could hinder students' ability to learn the information or practice their written skills. While there are some AI detection programs, it's still a concern for many teachers and must be closely monitored to ensure students complete the work themselves.
Future Trends in AI and Education
Despite the challenges presented by integrating technology into education, it's likely to stay and take on a more active role in the future. Educators and staff can use AI technology for menial daily tasks like taking attendance, creating lesson plans, and creating schedules. Students are now learning to operate technology like laptops and tablets from a very young age, making it an easy transition for them and something they're comfortable using.
Beyond the classroom, administrators and educational professionals can use educational technology for curriculum creation, development, and remote tutoring. Advanced technology and AI programs can enhance the future of education and help students increase their learning comprehension of even the most difficult topics.
Although there are certain challenges, students and teachers can benefit from emerging educational technology trends. With new advancements and AI capabilities growing exponentially, it's easy to see how this technology is transforming education.
Whether you're an educator or administrator, it's important to understand the future trends in education, including the incorporation of AI technology. Some main benefits include saving time when creating lesson plans, seating charts, and schedules. It's great for students as it allows them to work with peers in real-time and even receive feedback from teachers in a hybrid or remote setting. Advanced technology can connect them to virtual tutors, giving them the additional help they need without needing rides to and from school after hours.
Although there are many benefits, it's important to consider the challenges that come with placing AI in education. Not all students will have the same access to the internet when at home, making it difficult for some to complete online assignments at home. In addition, it's essential to ensure safety features that prevent private data such as students' names and personal information from being accessed.
To protect and ensure the safety of students and teachers when it comes to incorporating technology in education, teachers and administrators should consider HP devices. Many devices come with security programs such as
Wolf Security, which gives teachers and students peace of mind. They protect personal data, allow students to work on group projects and collaborate confidently, and even prevent possible malware attacks. It's also a great feature for classroom computers and could prevent students from accessing sites or information that doesn't pertain to the assignment. AI integration is the future of education and can greatly benefit teachers and students, creating a positive and efficient classroom environment.
About the Author
Jessica Childres is a contributing writer for HP Tech Takes. She is a former PE teacher and currently lives in Panama City, Florida with her husband and two dogs. She loves reading, writing, and spending time on the beach.