Innovation and Digital Education Academy

Fostering Digital Pedagogy

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Education is the foundation of evolution.
And evolution is the basis of education.

As the education landscape goes through a paradigm shift, teachers have to become leaders.
With blended learning taking center stage, teachers need immediate support in championing the change.

Modern-Day Educators Need Assistance



Teachers around the world are striving to adopt new ways of teaching with novel and advanced technologies that can no more be ignored.



With teaching methodologies undergoing a metamorphosis,  educators need to be equipped with the right tools needed for imparting modern education.



Leading the change entails engaging  students while maintaining one’s own motivation to work, teach and inspire with resilience being the key to do so.

HP IDEA Testimonial

HP Innovation and Digital Education Academy 


Making Education Accessible and Engaging for all

 From bulky courseware and unidirectional teaching to an immersive and intuitive education system fit for hybrid learning - HP IDEA marks a school’s commitment to transform their digital pedagogies to meet the needs of the 21st century. The platform brings two compelling programs for participating schools.

HP IDEA Fellow

A one year pathway for a select cadre of innovative practitioners and instructional leaders.

HP IDEA Fellows will play an instrumental role in redefining the education ecosystem to suit the learning needs of the present and future generation of students.

HP IDEA Associate

Focused coursework designed by HP IDEA Fellows for educators of all participating schools who wish to improve their digital pedagogy.

Innovative Practices at HP IDEA Schools

Scalable practices focused on effective teaching and learning in a blended educational environment

CCI: Creating Communities of Innovation

Use inquiry methods to identify, design, prototype, implement, and assess the impact of school-based innovations while engaging with peers from the educator community.

TfU: Teaching for Understanding

Take students from fact-mastery to flexible knowledge-application in unfamiliar contexts. Facilitate learning experiences that deepen subject understanding.

LLM: Leading Learning that Matters

Bridge the gaps between students, instructors, parents and industries by identifying leadership practices necessary for planning school innovations relevant for the modern era.


HLTP: High-leverage teaching practices

Be a part of instructional activities that  promote skilful teaching by merging strong content knowledge with ethical practices.

HP IDEA Fellow: Program Structure

Conference 1​

Program introduction –​ Using the CCI, TfU, LLtM  and HLTP models for effective distance and blended learning ​

Conference 2

Works in progress exhibition, Phase 2 launch, Indicators of Impact and Design thinking  training

Conference 3

Works in progress exhibition, Phase 3 launch, Legs of change and Train-the trainer ​

Conference 4

Final exhibition, sustaining and scaling, developing micro credentials for next cohort

Teaching for Understanding, Leading Learning that Matters, Creating Communities of Innovation​

Developing High-Leverage Teaching Practices (HLTPs)​

In-School Application​

On-Line Community and Micro-Credentials focused on distance and blended learning  ​

HP IDEA Fellow: Program Structure

Step-1: Developing empathy , innovation and digital pedagogy skills; gathering inspiration.

Step-2: Prototyping and testing an innovation to support digital pedagogy.

Step-3: Leading and mentoring others in their innovation journey.

Step-4: Sustaining and scaling  innovation.


we are committed to contributing towards UN Sustainability Development Goals- Element 4

The HP IDEA Program aims to:

  • Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
  • Ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy.
  • Substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers by teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing states.

“Education is the most powerful weapon  you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela