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Top 10 Electrical Construction Tools Recommended for On-Site Contractors

HP SitePrint Blog

Top 10 Electrical Construction Tools Recommended for On-Site Contractors
HP SitePrint Blog
Electrician using different electrical construction tools to wire a residential build

Electrical contractors must be knowledgeable about how electricity works, and they must also be adept at using a wide range of electrical construction tools. Some of the most common tools electrical contractors use today are new technologies that greatly improve productivity by automating workflows.
Others are old standbys that are still required to get the job done.
Regardless of how long they've been around, understanding these construction electrical tools and how to make the most of them is a key component of becoming a skilled and employable electrician. This article delves into ten of the top electrical construction tools you'll learn to use on your way to becoming a master electrician.

Duties and Responsibilities of Electrical Contractors on Construction Sites

As an electrical contractor, you'll play many roles on a construction site. Your duties go beyond the installation and repair of electrical components. You'll:

  • Be responsible for ensuring that your work meets stringent safety guidelines.
  • Design systems that meet the specific needs of a project. You'll
  • Work closely with other stakeholders, which requires excellent communication and documentation skills.

What Are Electrical Construction Tools?

Electrical construction tools are specialized instruments that are used for performing any of the tasks an electrical contractor must perform. This means that the category of electrical construction tools is very broad. Of all the available tools, it's important for an electrical contractor to know how to select the right tool for the job, maintain their tools, and be well-trained on the safe and effective usage of the tool.

Top 10 Electrical Tools for Contractors Working on Construction Sites

Although the list of tools an electrical contractor will use during their career is extensive, the list below represents some of the most common electrical construction tools one can expect to use on nearly every job.

1. Wireless Sensor Networks

One of the more high-tech tools in an electrical contractor's toolbox is a wireless sensor network. These allow the electrician to monitor electrical systems from a distance in real time with precision and accuracy. This gives the electrical contractor the ability to proactively manage and optimize the electrical infrastructure of construction sites. Through predictive maintenance and improved reliability of the electrical system, the efficiency and sustainability of the system can be enhanced.

2. Construction Site Layout Robots

One of the latest tools to make its way into the electrical contracting world is the site layout robot. These tools, like the HP SitePrint robot, are automating layout tasks. They print the layout in durable paint with more precision than a human could and allow humans on the site to attend to other work. These autonomous and resilient robots are a great way to save time and improve outcomes.

3. Cable Management Tools: Cable Laying Robots

If you've ever tried to organize computer cables, you know what a mess it can be. Electricians deal with this on a daily basis. To make their life easier, they rely on an array of cable management tools, such as cables, clips, and ties. These tools help to prevent clutter, avoid tripping hazards, and keep the workplace safe, attractive, and organized. Modern electricians can take advantage of powerful automation tools, such as cable-laying robots, to make the job easier.

4. Circuit Tracers, Circuit Locators, and Electric Cable-Pulling Robots

Once electrical circuits and wires are hidden behind walls, an electrician working on repairs needs a way to find them without ripping out all of the wall material. Circuit tracers and locators are the tools professionals use to do this. By working with the magnetic field put out by electrical wire, these tools allow electricians to quickly find where the wiring is behind a wall so they can access it quickly and with minimal disruption to the site. When they need to run the new wire, cable-pulling robots  further minimize the disruption required to do so.

5. Multimeters and Voltage Testers

These are perhaps the most common construction electrical tools in an electrician's arsenal. Every field in construction has a go-to measuring device that professionals use time and time again. For electrical contractors, that tool is the multimeter or voltage tester. These devices allow electricians to measure the flow of electricity through a variety of different metrics, empowering them to accurately and quickly diagnose problems in an electrical system. They also play a big role in safety, allowing the electrician to be sure that a circuit isn't live before they begin their work.

6. Conduit Bending Tools

Exposed electrical wires aren't desirable for a number of reasons, safety being one of them. Electrical contractors use conduit pipes to route wires safely. However, conduit pipe comes in straight sections, and routing it effectively requires a number of bends of various angles. Conduit bending tools allow electrical contractors to bend conduit tubes effectively and with precision, ensuring the electrical wire routes smoothly to where it needs to go.

7. Power Analyzers and Meters

Like a multimeter, a power analyzer is a device for measuring electricity. However, this one measures the quality and consumption of an electrical circuit. It lets the electrician know whether or not the electrical output is as strong and consistent as it should be. Contractors can use these tools to look for areas for optimization or identify weaknesses in the circuit. Through their use, electrical contractors can ensure a more sustainable and cost-effective installation.

8. Wire Strippers and Cutters

A carpenter has their saws, and an electrical contractor has their wire strippers and cutters. The insulation that covers wires prevents electrical current from flowing, as is its job. Wire strippers remove this insulation from the end of the wires, allowing pieces of wire to be joined together and current to flow between them. Electricians then use wire cutters to cut the wire to the length the job requires.

9. Insulated Screwdrivers

Electrical contractors must always be aware of the danger electricity poses. Current flows easily through metal and various other materials, making these materials potentially dangerous to use around electricity. Insulated screwdrivers provide a layer of protection for the electrician. They keep current from flowing to the skin of the electrical worker in the case of accidental contact with a live circuit, providing a vital safety measure for work in the field.

10. Insulated Hand Tools

Although a screwdriver may be one of the most common hand tools electrical contractors use, it isn't the only one. To keep themselves safe when working with any hand tool, electricians are careful to use an insulated version of the tool. This keeps the electricity where it belongs and helps to prevent injuries.

Creating the Perfect Electrical Tool Kit for Construction

For each job, an electrical contractor needs to decide which electrical construction tools they'll bring with them. To do this, they assess the project needs to see which tools will be required while paying attention to industry standards. Care is taken to bring all of the safety equipment required to prevent any injuries from happening on the job site.
Electricians will often try out different tools as they become available, as well as review their current standby tools, to ensure that they always bring an optimal set of tools to the job. The world of automation is moving quickly, creating many automation tools to try out. For newer tools, in particular, bringing the documentation along so as not to get stuck on the job site trying to figure out how to use something is also common.

Understanding the HP SitePrint Difference

In the construction field, construction electrical tools are plentiful and diverse. The goal of all of them is to allow contractors to do their job more effectively. The incorporation of advanced construction technology, like the HP SitePrint robot, modernizes the construction site. The ability to use computer-guided precision for laying out a project drastically increases accuracy, efficiency, and project management. It reduces the need for human labor to perform tedious tasks and allows workers to focus on skill work.
The added precision extends throughout the job, allowing it to be completed fast, with a high degree of safety, and with outstanding quality output. To learn more, contact us today through the contact form in the corner of your screen.

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