
  1. What is Screen Mirroring?

    Screen Mirroring

    Have you heard of the term “screen mirroring?” While it may sound complicated, it’s relatively simple to do and opens up opportunities for device owners to share gaming experiences, presentations, and even movies on other screens. It’s changing the way we view media and makes it more accessible for those with small or outdated devices. Here’s everything you need to know about how to screen mirror your Windows device.

    Screen mirroring explained

    Mirroring is showing the exact same thing that’s on one screen on a second screen. It allows you to play the game or movie on your mobile phone, for example, and show it on your big-screen TV as well. Why would you want to mirror? It’s an easy way to share your device with others, it can make viewing small text easier, and it gives you the benefit

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  2. How to Use CDs and DVDs on a Computer with No Disk Drive

    Laptop on Table Outside

    When was the last time you needed to play a CD or DVD on your computer? While you may not have to do this as often as you once did, it’s also the only way to access certain games, albums, or movies. If the media isn’t available digitally, a disk is your best option. Alternatively, you may have backed up some of your files to a disk at some point and need to access them again.

    If your computer has an internal optical drive, then you have nothing to worry about – but what do you do if it doesn't have one? In this guide, we’ll give you the facts on how to play a DVD or CD on a desktop PC or laptop with no disk drive.

    What happened to disk drives?

    Nearly all modern PCs lack disk drives. This is especially true for laptops, which have to make the best use of their space to deliver a truly portable computing experience.

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  3. [Photoshop 手提電腦推薦],讓您修圖不費吹灰之力

    [Photoshop 手提電腦推薦],讓您修圖不費吹灰之力
    尋找最佳的 [P 圖電腦],對於攝影師、平面設計師與網絡開發人員來說至關重要,因為他們有著獨特的計算需求。無論你是在羅馬尼亞拍攝建築物,還是在洛杉磯為價值數百萬美元的通訊網站工作,你都知道 Photoshop 對手提電腦有一項要求,即強勁的性能。
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  4. 想要用[手提電腦剪片]?HP 為您推介最優質的手提電腦

    HP 為您推介最優質的手提電腦

    如果你需要進行高質素的剪片工作,你一定知道普通用家使用的手提電腦已經無法滿足你的需求。為了順暢地運行此軟件,出色的剪片手提電腦需要特定的規格,才能讓你安心工作,而不必擔心電腦 hang 機。

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  5. HP 為您推介 3 款最好的[迷你手提電腦]

    HP 為您推介 3 款最好的


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  6. 7 款[手提電腦顏色],梗有一款啱您風格

    7 款手提電腦顏色,梗有一款啱您風格
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  7. 為您介紹 7 款最佳的 [i5 手提電腦]

    為您介紹 7 款最佳的 [i5 手提電腦]

    在購買手提電腦時,你面臨的最重要決定之一是中央處理器(即CPU)的選擇。Intel® Core 處理器十分受歡迎,這是有充分原因的。Core 系列有 3 種處理器(i3、i5 與 i7),每一種都在功率與價格方面有所提升。

    Intel Core i5 代表著完美平衡,價格與質素兼備。因此,如果裝置兼備強大性能與適中價格,通常都是使用 [Intel Core i5 處理器]。

    但究竟甚麼是 [Intel Core i5 處理器]?讓我們來探索一下有甚麼原因,使其成為令人矚目的科技產品,並分析使用最佳 HP [i5 手提電腦]。

    甚麼是 [Intel Core i5 處理器]?

    Core i5 處理器由 Intel 開發,通常用於中階桌上電腦與中高階手提電腦。電腦要運行所安裝的程式,i5 Core 處理器就至關重要。

    特別是當電腦在執行遊戲或視訊編輯等資源密集型任務時,i5 Core 處理器可提高桌上電腦與手提電腦的性能。

    Core i5 處理器可以做甚麼?

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  8. [hp notebook 維修]是否必須?立即掌握 10 種方式,了解當中一二

    立即掌握 10 種方式


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  9. [電腦變慢]點算好?我們為您拆解當中 10 個原因

    電腦變慢點算好?我們為您拆解當中 10 個原因
    了解[電腦變慢]的十大原因,以及如何修復各種與用戶、硬件及軟件有關的問題,以便立即提升 PC 的性能及速度。
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  10. [建築系手提電腦推薦],為您重點推介 5 款

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