
  1. How to Split Screen on Laptop For Better Efficiency

    HP Laptop with Split Screen for Multitasking
    In today’s fast-paced business environment in Hong Kong, the ability to multitask efficiently is crucial. Whether you’re a finance professional analyzing market data, a creative designer working on multiple projects, or a student at one of Hong Kong’s prestigious universities juggling research and assignments, the split-screen feature can significantly enhance your productivity. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of splitting your screen on various devices and operating systems, tailored for the tech-savvy Hong Kong audience.
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  2. How to Connect AirPods to Your Windows Laptop in Hong Kong

    African American woman working on laptop, drinking coffee at home

    As Hong Kong embraces the latest tech trends, many users find themselves with Apple AirPods and Windows laptops. Whether you’re a student at HKU or a professional in Central, you might be wondering how to connect these popular wireless earbuds to your Windows device. This guide will walk you through the process, with a focus on HP laptops available in Hong Kong.

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  3. How to Factory Reset Your Windows PC: A Step-by-Step Guide

    How to Factory Reset Your Windows PC: A Step-by-Step Guide

    If your Windows PC is acting up or you’re planning to sell it, performing a factory reset can help resolve issues and wipe your personal files. This guide will walk you through the process of factory resetting your Windows 10 or 11 PC, whether you’re using an HP laptop or desktop computer.

    Why Perform a Factory Reset?

    There are several reasons you might want to reset your PC to its factory settings:

    • Resolve persistent performance issues or errors

    • Remove malware or unwanted software

    • Prepare your computer for sale or donation

    • Start fresh with

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  4. How to Fix a Black Screen on Your Computer

    How to Fix a Black Screen on Your Computer

    Computers are an essential part of our modern lives. Be it a custom-built PC or a personal laptop, they provide seamless solutions for many of our needs, like online shopping, web-based classrooms, virtual meetings, and so much more.

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  5. Windows 11 for Gamers in Hong Kong: Unlocking Next-Level Gaming Experience

    Person gaming at desk with multiple monitors showing colorful game. Brick wall background with neon fish sign. Atmospheric lighting and plants add ambiance.
    Thinking about upgrading your operating system? Or deciding which OS is best for you? As a gamer, your OS matters as much as your hardware, essentially forming the foundation of your gaming experience. It dictates how well your system works together to execute the games you love. In this article, we explore Windows 11’s gaming features in Hong Kong helping gamers revolutionize their gameplay while elevating experience to new heights. Let’s start
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  6. Creating an Efficient Home Office Setup for Productivity in Hong Kong

    Woman in plaid shirt using dual-monitor setup on wooden desk by sunny window. Screens show calendar and floral wallpaper. Home office with plants nearby

    With more people working remotely, the need for a cozy and productive home office setup in Hong Kong is on the rise. A home office can be thought of as your sanctuary for work. To create this idyllic little oasis, you’ll need some essentials. In this article, we discuss how to create that perfect home office. From choosing the right workspace to selecting appropriate technologies and organizational strategies, we cover the basic and advanced features to help you personalize your space. 

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  7. Demystifying Cloud And AI: Essential Concepts Every Hong Kong Employee Should Know

    A laptop sits on a small round table in a softly lit room with a blurred background. Overlaying the image are digital light trails and particles, giving the impression of a high-tech, futuristic environment.
    Hong Kong’s tech scene is on the cusp of becoming a global hub for fintech, artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, quickly evolving on its Smart City ambitions.
    At face value, this effort to modernize often promises improved services, convenience and efficiency. However, besides the tech, end-user experience is important.
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  8. How AI Is Enhancing Productivity In Hong Kong’s Workplaces

    Group of people working on tablets and laptops around a conference table in an open office

    Many in Hong Kong are turning to technology to find a way to boost efficiency while trying not to clock out too late. Interestingly, many have turned to AI to tackle the work-long-hours or work-smarter conundrum, with 84% of employers in Hong Kong already incorporating AI-powered tools into their operations. And this number is expected to grow.

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  9. Charting The Path Forward: Strategies For Deepening Hong Kong’s Engagement With AI In Education

    Woman holds a convertible HP laptop next to a young boy leaning over to touch the screen. Another boy sits on the other side in front of schoolwork.

    Across the globe, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) has shown significant benefits in personalizing students' learning experiences. Yet, educational technology trends in Hong Kong are at a crucial stage where effective strategies could redefine its educational landscape.

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  10. How Hong Kong Businesses Are Striking A Balance Through A Human-centric Approach To AI Integration

    Two women look at a laptop in a pottery stockroom while a phone and credit card machine sit on the table next to them.

    You may have noticed it more and more. Every time you scroll through your news feed or chat with a colleague, the buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) is hard to miss. But amidst all the chatter, there’s growing concern that businesses are losing that human touch.

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