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What to expect when you place an order

Placing an order

Need help completing your order? Call us at 0207 660 3859.

Here's your step-by-step guide as to what to expect when you place an order with the HP Online Store:

Please note: We will send the below email notifications to your registered email address (if you have an account with us) or to the email address you specified when placing your order. Additionally, our carrier will send you a text message on the day prior to the delivery and on planned delivery date (subject to delivery location).

1. Order acknowledgement email
Shortly after placing your order you will receive a summary email confirming that we have received your order.

2. Order confirmation & estimated delivery date email
Once we have performed the necessary payment and security checks your order will be accepted and you will receive an order confirmation email including the estimated delivery date. Please keep in mind this date is an estimate.

3. Order shipment confirmation & planned delivery date email
As soon as your order is dispatched, you will receive an email with a planned delivery date. The estimated delivery date within your order confirmation email will give you an estimation of when you should expect to receive your order and this should only be used as a guide. Please note you will not receive a proactive notification if your delivery date changes, so please Click Here to visit the Track My Order page for the most up to date status of your order.

4. Invoice email
Your invoice will be generated 1 day after shipment. If you agreed to receive the invoice in PDF format you will receive your invoice document by email. Alternatively, if you selected to receive a paper invoice,  we will send it by post (select this option when you place the order).

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Related topics

How to track my order

To get the most up to date information regarding your order, please Click Here to log into the Track My Order page where you can check the following: 
1. Check real-time order status: The horizontal progress bar represents the status of your order flow. You can see the progress of your order marked in blue.
2. Check real-time delivery status: Once your order is "out for delivery" you will be able to track the latest delivery status using the highlighted Tracking Number (click the "View Details" button below "Out for Delivery" to show the Tracking Number).
3. Contact us: Click on "I have a question about my order" to contact us for any delivery related questions.
Understanding your order status
Once you are logged into the Track My Order page your order status will be shown as one of the following: 

Awaiting payment
Your order has been acknowledged and is now being processed through various checks (security, payment, etc.). Please note: if you placed a pre-payment order we will wait for your payment to reach our accounts. Once this is done we will release your order and provide you with the estimated delivery date. Please note the transfer of money can take up to 5 days, due to the banking process. If you have the proof of payment, you can send it to us at the following email address: HP_Online_Store@hp.com.

Your order has been accepted and we are now starting to process it. Please note: if the "Awaiting Payment" status is no longer visible and you can’t see an estimated delivery date after 12 hours or if the delivery date shown has passed you can Click Here to log into the Track My Order page and use the "I have a question about my order" option so that we can look into this for you.  

Awaiting stock
Your order is awaiting stock.

Your order is now with our shipping department and is being prepared for delivery. At this stage you will receive your order tracking information from our carrier.

Out for delivery
The order has been shipped from our warehouse.  As soon as your order is dispatched, a link will be available to track your shipment.

We have confirmation that you have received your order.  

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How to contact HP Online Store

Contact Form

If your question relates to one of the following topics then the fastest way to reach our team is through our contact form which is accessible through the "Track My Order" page:

  • When will I receive my order?
  • What is the status of my refund?
  • Cancel my order
  • Initiate a return (Changed my mind or Defective product received)
Please note that the availability of links to the above mentioned inquiries depends on the status of your order.

Here's a step by step guide on how to submit your query:
Step 1:    Log into the "Track My Order" page at the top right of the website. If you are a registered customer, please log in to your account and then click on "My Orders". If you do not have an account with us, you can still access the "Track My Order" page by providing your order information.
Step 2:   As a registered customer, you need to select the order they are interested in from the order history. As a customer without an HP Store account, you will only have access to the order you have provided at log in. 
Step 3:   Click on the button "I have a question about my order" or "Return/Exchange" depending on your query. For detailed instructions on the Return/Exchange process please check our "How to return and request a refund or replacement" section.
Step 4:   Simply follow the onscreen instructions to finalise your query submission - You can help us to answer your query swiftly by providing all the requested information and attachments.
If your query is not related to the above topics, please contact us.

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Related topics

How to cancel or modify my order before shipment

Can I change or add products to my recent order?
• Once your order is placed, it cannot be changed. We are unable to change or add to the order which includes making a configuration change on a customisable PC no matter how small the change may be.
• If a change is necessary, you will need to cancel the current order and place a new order – see detailed cancellation instructions below. Please wait for us to confirm the order cancellation was successful, as we have a limited amount of time to cancel the order before it ships. Although we will try our best to assist you we cannot guarantee we will be able to cancel your order in time.

Can I edit my current order (order details, shipping/billing information, email, etc.)?
• Once your order is placed, it cannot be edited. If a change is necessary, you will need to cancel the current order and place a new order – see detailed cancellation instructions below. Please wait for us to confirm the order cancellation was successful, as we have a limited amount of time to cancel the order before it ships. Although we will try our best to assist you we cannot guarantee we will be able to cancel your order in time.
• Delivery address changes may be possible without order cancellation and replacement but are subject to timing and security verification. Please contact us as soon as possible for further advice.

How to cancel an order that hasn’t been shipped yet
We pride ourselves on our quick turnaround time and this means there is only a small window to cancel your order before it ships. Although we will try our best to assist you we cannot guarantee we will be able to cancel your order in time.

You can cancel items or orders that haven't been shipped from our warehouse by visiting the Track My Order page of the site.
Step 1:      Log into the "Track My Order" page at the top right of the website. If you are a registered customer, please log in to your account and then click on "My Orders". If you do not have an account with us, you can still access the "Track My Order" page by providing your order information.
Step 2.    Registered customers need to select the order they are interested in from the order history. Unregistered customers will only have access to the order they have provided at log in.
Step 3:    Click on the button "I have a question about my order". Select either the product you want to cancel or the whole order and select "I want to cancel my order".
Step 4:     Select the reason for your cancellation request , provide a comment if applicable, then click on "Continue".
After submitting the cancellation, subject to timing, we will send you a confirmation message to the e-mail address on your account.

If you are a consumer customer, you can also cancel your order by exercising your withdrawal right. For more information about your right of withdrawal, please consult our Consumer right to withdraw / cancel section.

Orders that are already shipped from the warehouse cannot be cancelled; they must be returned to HP. For more information about returns, please consult our HP Returns Policy section.

Please note that Business Customers cannot cancel customised PC orders without cause (e.g. damaged on arrival).

If we cannot fulfil your order
Despite our best efforts, on rare occasion, we may be unable to fulfil your order for a product (whether or not payment was made), because of something we discover after we send you an order confirmation email. If this is the case, we will, as soon as reasonably possible and no later than the planned delivery date, either contact you for instructions or reject your order and notify you of such cancellation. We may be unable to fulfil your order because:
  • we have identified an error in the price or description of the product;
  • your delivery address is outside our stated delivery areas, for details see: Delivery information;
  • unexpected limits on our resources which we could not reasonably plan for;
  • you don’t meet our minimum credit requirements, or we suspect that the order has been placed fraudulently; or
  • the product is out of stock due to material supply constraints we did not have reasonable opportunity to notify you of in advance.

If payment was made and your order is cancelled, HP will issue a full refund.

Refund process for cancellations prior to shipment
Credit Card
No refund is necessary as your credit card has not been debited. We only take payment when we dispatch your order but your bank may have reserved these funds as a preauthorization. Your money will be visible in your account within a few days subject to your credit card provider’s policy.

PayPal or PayPal Pay in 3
In this case, we will refund your account after the cancellation is processed. The funds should appear back into your bank account within 5 banking days subject to standard banking practice.

Wire transfer
If this is your payment method, we will refund your account after the cancellation has been processed/confirmed. When requesting the cancellation of an order/item (as described above), you will have a free text field where we strongly recommend you to include your Bank Details (Account Holder Name | IBAN | Swift Code) so our Post Sales team can proceed with your refund.

Business financing
No refund is necessary as your finance agreement will not begin until we dispatch your order.

No refund is necessary as HP only takes payment when we dispatch your order.

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Related topics

How to change My Account settings

After signing in to your HP Store Account (In addition to the My Orders section), you will find the following options:

My Quotes
You have the option of contacting our agents directly to ask for a quote. All  quotes you have requested will be listed in this page and you can review them according to the date they were issued.

My Saved Cards
Your preferred Credit Cards details that you chose to save while submitting your order will be listed in this page.

My Personal Information
This page contains the personal information related to your HP Store Account. By clicking on the button modify you can make changes to your details.

Your email address is the only field that cannot be modified as it is directly linked to your HP Store Account. If you would like to use a different email address, you need to create an additional account with the new email address.

My Addresses
You can add shipping and billing addresses here and for easy reference you can assign them a memorable name such as "home" or "work". By doing so you will be able to easily identify and select the address next time your place an order and save you having to enter all the details again.

Below each address on your list you also have the option of editing the address details, or deleting an entry if no longer required.

Password Reset
Here you can quickly change your HP Store account password.

Once you have submitted your request, you will receive an email containing the instructions with the final steps to reset your password.

Contact HP Privacy Office
If you wish to delete your HP Account or for any questions related to your data you can contact the HP Privacy Office.

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