How to Remove the Secondary Transfer Roller

HP LaserJet Enterprise CP5525

Note: It may be helpful to print out these instructions before you start to remove the secondary transfer roller.

Figure Step

Figure 1: Open the right door


1. Open the right door. This will also lower the secondary transfer assembly.


CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy roller surface unless you are replacing the roller. Skin oils on the roller can cause image quality problems.

Figure 2: Release the roller shaft


2. Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to carefully release the roller shaft from the collars, as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 3: Remove the secondary transfer roller.


3. Grasp the two ends of the secondary transfer roller, and carefully take it out of the printer, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 4: Put the secondary transfer roller on a clean surface


4. Put the secondary transfer roller on a flat clean surface, in a safe and protected location.

CAUTION: Do not touch the spongy roller surface of the secondary transfer roller. Skin oils on the roller can cause image quality problems.

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