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HP Calculator 35 Year Celebration Contest Winners


HP Calculators

» HP Calculator 35 Year Celebration Contest
» See the contest winners
» Program rules
» Entry guidelines
» HP Calculator 35 Year Celebration
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View the finalist and winning videos

»  confessions of a rocket scientist - winner of Best Actor award »  Calculator Man - winner of Best Actress and Voter's Choice awards
»  HP CALCULATOR - Best Actress finalist »  Success Breeds Success - winner of Best Screenplay award
»  20 Questions with your HP 12C - winner of Best Technical Film award »  Godzilla Stole My 12C - Best Technical Film finalist
»  Lazy Afternoon - Best Actor finalist »  HP Calculator Video - Best Screenplay finalist
confessions of a rocket scientist
Calculator Man

Success Breeds Success

20 Questions with your HP 12C

Godzilla Stole My 12C

Lazy Afternoon

HP Calculator Video
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