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The time is now: HP ignites partner growth for a new era of success


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Event participants from HP and STA discuss activities and share insights from the discussions held during Executive Connections.

The time is now: HP ignites partner growth for a  new era of success

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Adrian Jones   Adrian Jones, vice president and general manager, Americas Solution Partners Organization
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Benson Palmer   Benson Porter, CEO, Addison Avenue Federal Credit Union
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Mike Atkins   Mike Atkins, CEO, Open Technology Solutions
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  Rick Peltz, CIO, Marcus & Millicha
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Rob Shaeffer   Rob Shaeffer, executive vice president, STA
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Simon Porter   Simon Palmer, CEO, STA
» Podcast 1
» Podcast 2
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Tom LaRocca   Tom LaRocca, vice president, marketing and strategy, Americas Solution Partners Organization
» Podcast
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