Print PQ Troubleshooting Pages Procedure

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color Printer M551 series

Follow the steps listed below to print the PQ troubleshooting pages.
These pages consist of one procedure page and five color test pages.

  1. Print a copy of this Web page, and walk over to the printer you are troubleshooting.
  2. Load either 8.5 x 11-inch paper (letter) or A4 in Tray 2 Pictures of the paper tray 2. of your printer.
  3. Press the Menu button to enter the Main Menu on the control panel of the printer. <
  4. Press the Down arrow button to highlight Administration menu, then press the OK button to select it.
  5. Press the Down arrow button to highlight Troubleshooting menu, then press the OK button to select it.
  6. Press the Down arrow button to highlight Print Quality Page menu, then press the OK button to select it.
  7. The Print PQ Troubleshooting Page menu should been highlighted by default. Press the OK button to select Print PQ Troubleshooting Page menu.

    Note:The message PROCESSING JOB... displays on the control panel until the printer finishes printing the Diagnostics pages, then the printer returns to the Ready state.

  8. Pick up the PQ troubleshooting pages.
  9. Return to your computer to continue the troubleshooting procedure.

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