Rated 5 out of
Cacciamani from
Practical do it all small Plotter
This is the third plotter we bought and I can tell they are workhorses. Very easy to use and last forever. Very practical for any office that works with large formats and also needs good quality presentations.
Date published: 2021-11-12
Rated 5 out of
Electricalsparky from
Excellent product for a great price!
My conpany was in the market for a large format printer, most that we had looked at were very expensive and had a large footprint. When we found the Designjet T-230 we were impressed with both the price and compact size.
Since setting it up we have used it several times and had great results. Highly recommend and a great value!
Date published: 2021-09-25
Rated 3 out of
Joe121212 from
T250-24 is just ok, drivers need work
Got the T250-24 to replace our old DesignJet 500. At first it was pretty good, easy setup, easy install, plots basic CAD drawings very fast. However, once you try to plot a color aerial photo of any size (PDF format) it takes nearly 15 minutes to a half hour to complete. Pretty sure this is a driver problem but have not found a solution yet (as of 07/08/2021). Hopefully this gets resolved because our old DesignJet 500 performed a lot better and that thing was 20 years old **face palm**
Date published: 2021-07-08
Rated 5 out of
White Oak from
Great Features!
Very useful for our landscape design business! Would highly recommend
Date published: 2021-05-16
Rated 5 out of
High Desert Guy from
Hope I Never Need It
Considering the extra complexity of plotters, a service plan makes sense.
Date published: 2021-05-04
Rated 5 out of
RockyViz from
Hopefully I don’t need it
Bought a printer a couple weeks ago and it came with this package so hopefully I never need it but you never know
Date published: 2021-05-04