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Hurricane Relief Efforts

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Information for customers affected by the hurricanes


HP's Snapfish Replenishes Photos of Customers Impacted by Hurricane Katrina

Hurricanes Rita and Katrina have taken lives and destroyed homes and businesses across the Gulf Coast of the United States. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the families and individuals affected by these natural disasters.

Hurricane Katrina

The HP Company Foundation and HP employees have committed more than $3.5 million to the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

HP is also providing computer technology — everything from Web site server reinforcement to Unix engineering support — to organizations involved in the relief effort.

Locally in the affected region, we are assisting impacted HP employees.

In addition, HP customer support teams along the Gulf Coast are working to get dozens of customers back up and running.

We are also providing solutions, employee volunteers and technology to organizations in the Houston area to help the more than 100,000 people relocated there. For example, HP is providing:

  • HP computer systems for onsite medical staff
  • PC access for evacuees
  • the use of surplus buildings if needed
  • photo identification and badge equipment for volunteers and staff
  • support for a mobile command center with HP notebook computers
  • employee volunteers to assist with donation collection and logistics

HP employees at the HP Houston site and in the affected region are engaged in volunteer work and collection drives, donating several thousand pounds of food, water, beverages, baby supplies, paper goods, clothing, personal hygiene items and other necessities.

Find out how you can help. Below are three of the major relief agencies providing on-the-ground services in the affected areas.

Where to donate

American Red Cross — Hurricane 2005 Relief
»  www.redcross.org

Salvation Army
»  www.salvationarmyusa.org

World Vision — American Families Assistance Fund
»  www.worldvision.org