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2007 HP Microenterprise Development Program grant recipients


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The HP Microenterprise Development Program is designed to support nonprofit microenterprise development agencies in the U.S. that serve clients in low-income communities.

We seek to advance the use of technology in microenterprise development programs in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of microenterprises in underserved communities. HP’s investments focus not only on providing technology access to microenterprises, but also on training microenterprises on how to use technology to build and grow their business.

The total value of the 2007 grant award is more than $57,000. In addition, recipients will receive a travel grant to participate in a conference to share learnings, address common challenges and provide information that will serve to educate and inform the microenterprise development industry.

We are proud to recognize the 2007 HP Microenterprise Development Program grant recipients.

2007 recipients

HP distributed a Request for Proposals that was open to all eligible agencies in 2007 and received many excellent proposals. After a thorough and competitive review process, we have selected the following 40 nonprofit agencies to receive an HP Microenterprise Development Grant award:


Microbusiness Advancement Center, Tucson


Southern Good Faith Fund, Pine Bluff


Agriculture & Land Based Training Association, Salinas
CHARO Community Development Corporation, Los Angeles
Mutual Assistance Network of Del Paso Heights, Sacramento
South Asian Help and Referral Agency, Artesia


The Colorado Enterprise Fund, Denver


YWCA of Delaware, Wilmington


Atlanta Micro Fund (AMF) and Reynoldstown Revitalization Corporation (RRC), Atlanta
Women's Employment Opportunity Project, Inc., Atlanta


Women's Business Development Center, Chicago


Hammond Development Corp., Hammond
Neighborhood Self Employment Initiative, Indianapolis


Extend the Dream Foundation, Iowa City


Good Work Network, New Orleans


Coastal Enterprises, Inc., Wiscasset


Center for Women and Enterprise, Boston
Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center, Lawrence
Valley CDC, Northampton


Latino Economic Development Center, Minneapolis

New Jersey

Greater Newark Business Development Consortium, Newark
Latin American Economic Development Association, Camden

New York

ACCION New York, New York
Alternatives Venture Fund, Ithaca
Fort Greene Strategic Neighborhood Action, Brooklyn
Syracuse University - South Side Innovation Center, Syracuse


EnterpriseWorks, Columbus


Chemeketa Small Business Development Center, Salem
Lane MicroBusiness, Eugene
ONABEN, Tigard


Empowerment Group, Philadelphia
The Business Center, Philadelphia

Puerto Rico

Rural Opportunities Puerto Rico, Inc., Adjuntas
Women's Business Institute (WBI), San Juan

South Dakota

Sinte Gleska University Tribal Business Information Center, Mission


ALT Consulting, Inc., Memphis
Center for Entrepreneurial Growth, UT-Battelle and Incubator, Oak Ridge


Stone Soup, Republic

West Virginia

Eastern WV C&T College, Moorefield


Western Dairyland, Independence

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