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HP and The Shriver Report:
A Woman's Nation Changes Everything

I am honored to have HP as my technology partner for The Shriver Report. I said when we started this project that we would stand on the shoulders of many women before us-this includes Lucile Packard and Flora Hewlett. HP follows their remarkable footsteps and continues to be a champion for women and women's causes. - Maria Shriver, First Lady of California; HP has been a champion for women and women's causes since its inception. We are proud to be associated with Maria's program and we clearly are committed to helping women break through, thrive and succeed in any endeavor they elect to pursue. - Gabriele Zedlmayer, Hewlett Packard VP for Global Social Innovations
Get the Shriver Report Today! The Shriver Report: A Woman's Nation Changes Everything. This comprehensive study, from The Center for American Progress and Maria Shriver, examines the greatest permanent transformation in the American workforce in our lifetime. For the first time in history, one-half of all U.S. workers are women, and mothers are the primary breadwinners or co-breadwinners in two-thirds of American families, also for the first time. The Shriver Report shows how this transformation changes everything. The major institutions in our lives - government, business, men, health care, faith-based organizations - have failed to keep pace. The Shriver Report will ignite a national conversation and push for change that adapts institutions to the realites of the modern American family and worker. HP is honored to support A Woman's Nataion by providing printed copies of The Shriver Report at cost and in an ecologically sustainable way via our print-on-dempand technologies. Price: $24.95
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