HP PrintOS
Smart Print Factory by HP

Define what’s next and build your smart print factory of the future. Create a business that’s right for the times and built to thrive for generations to come.


Give employees tools to achieve more and grow in a thriving business.

PrintOSx powers the skills, role and performance of every person in your plant. Increase the scope and impact of their work, with a range of automation tools and support to assist them in becoming more connected, proactive and effective.

Data Driven

Elevate every element of your factory with data analytics and tools that take business performance to a higher level.

PrintOSx equips you to adopt and refine best practices based on performance data. Manage digital assets effectively with real-time information.

High Value Opportunities

Create value for your customers and bring on lucrative new opportunities for your business.

When you’re aligned with a powerful global network, high margins and high-value applications become your new normal. Inspiration is a daily occurrence and your portfolio stays ahead of the fast-breaking tastes and trends that drive high-value prospects.

Services and Support for Maximum Effectiveness

Discover more about HP Indigo Digital Presses

Connect to PrintOS.com

Optimize, automate, and grow your print production to expand your business opportunities.


HP Indigo Service Edge

Fuel your success with confidence with HP smart tools and Services.

